Παρασκευή 24 Μαΐου 2019

one last time

Take me one more time 

To journeys of no return
In the dark room of the cinema
at the last seats
Your jacket covering both of us
At the back row of the train
Final route
Final stop
last time
This is what we always say
but then…

You take me one more time
At those illegal journeys
At the beach waiting for sunrise
The sand puncturing our conscience 
Inside the steaming old car 
swearing this is the last time 
crying that awkard goodbye
but then.. 

you take me one more time 
and our hearts are bursting 
like teenage students kissing for the first time
our souls connecting
like moribund lovers refusing death to take them apart

our whole lifetime sentenced to hell
for a flash moment of stolen paradise
I will be swearing and begging don’t take me again
But i know you will take me for one last time 


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