Τρίτη 28 Μαΐου 2019

Don't grow up

Today I’ll be weaving my existence on your with t-shirt and your smile I took from a picture and placed it in my dreams.
Don’t stand too close to me, I will only be looking at you from a distance, just like a framed photograph from summer holidays we took only yesterday.
For you, will not be one more love, you will be my childhood love, because you came while I was sitting alone in the yard and reached your hand out to me and we played the whole afternoon.
Then, we shared an ice-cream, but you kept letting it melt and put the cone on the tip of your nose, while you were balancing on horizontal logs and your childhood carelessness.
And I, couldn’t stop laughing and I watched you slip away and disappear hidden in fields of gold, just to surprise me, closing my eyes with your palms, and then, I , pretended I didn’t know who it was, and I called out different names, just so you would stay close to me a few more moments, just so I could feel your heartbeat and your quick breath, before you run away and hide again.
Today I’ be weaving my existence on your white t-shirt and your happy eyes.
And if you ever get frightened by darkness, come with me at the edge of Salina. There we will sit next to the ancient salt lake, like two flamingos who haven’t immigrated yet and there, we will make rings of silver gum paper, sealing our childhood love.
But please, don’t grow up…you look so good in white !!

Marina Saveriadou (short love stories)

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