Τετάρτη 12 Ιουνίου 2019

..and I like it

And I like it, you know, how you continue your life away from the cruelest drug, casually, as if nothing has happened, but you were always strong, I admit it. ..
 And you like it, I know, how I continue my life, beautifully and unsuspectingly, away from my hardest addiction, but I've always been strong, admit it.. And I like it, you know, how the days and months and years will pass, and we will pretend that it has never happened, that we had never became one, and that we never, ever named it, but it will always be there rooted.. And you like it, I know, how you see me getting prettier, how my lines are smoothing, how men turn when I walk by, but I, am entirely devoted to thee ...
 And I like it, you know, that under that plain t-shirt, blue jeans and your smiling face, hides my lover and rival and a body that I have mapped inch by inch.. And you like it, I know, that I am burning up for you, that you are miles aways but have my passion turned on going round like thousands, all day, every day, in our own unique frequency.. And I like , you know, to think that maybe one day your passion takes over your “must’ and you turn your steering wheel to the street that will bring you back to me ..And you like, I know, how you are sure I will be keeping my door half open, your favorite music will be playing, and the candles will be burning and the only thing I will be expecting is for you to touch me the way you only know..And I like, you know, this infinity minimum chance of what can happen when we find ourselves once more in the arena, but even if it doesn’t.. You like it, I know, that I still want you paranoid and selfishly, hedonistically and ingeniously and I am turned on merely on the idea of an infinity minimum chance..
And you know, that I like that you like it Marina Saveriadou (short erotic stories)

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